Gray Management Systems is a Registered Training Organisation with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and specialise in the training of compliance auditors. Starting as a family business over 20 years ago, we have grown to be one of the organisations of choice for the training of non-financial auditors.
We have trained over 6000 Internal and external auditors throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific regions.
Some of our clients include: Aurecon, Austin Health, Australian Red Cross Blood Service, BHP, Bureau of Meteorology, Cabrini, CASA, Coliban Water, Ergon Energy, Fulton Hogan, Furphy Engineering, Grocon, Incitec Pivot, Jemena, Lendlease, Melbourne Airport, Melbourne Cricket Club, Metro Tunnel, QAIHC, Qantas, RACV/NRMA, Santos, United Energy, VACCHO, Victoria Police, Virgin Australia, Yarra Trams, Wurchopperen Health Service, ZNX, just to name a few.
They come from all sectors, private, public and the Government.
Our clients are knowledgeable about their criteria, we are experts in audit conduct and together we facilitate a pragmatic, no nonsense approach to auditing.
Our Team

Geoff Gray
RTO Manager & Educator
Geoff has been developing & facilitating auditing related compliance training programs for over 30 years and is a practicing Registered Lead Auditor with the International Register for Certificated Auditors (IRCA).
Geoff is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Loren Gray
Director, Auditor & Educator
Loren co-delivers the Diploma of Quality Auditing and is also a current certification auditor with HDAA working in the quality management, disability and human services space. She leverages off her previous work experience in disability and community policing, having previously worked as a police detective, internal auditor and lecturer. Loren specialises in incident management training, internal auditing, third-party investigations and consulting. She has qualifications in Lead Auditing, Diploma of Quality Auditing, and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours).

Elise Chapman
Auditor & Educator
With over 10 years of experience in the VET sector, Elise is an approachable and experienced trainer, assessor and compliance manager. Key strengths include saving our clients time with effective compliance management strategies and internal auditing activities. Elise co-delivers the Diploma of Quality Auditing and is passionate about connecting with students and sharing her learnings. She holds the Diploma of Quality Auditing and current trainer and assessor qualifications.

Steve Robinson
Steve has facilitated a range of compliance, risk & strategic management training programs for over 25 years. GMS has a collaboration with Rightstrategy to co deliver our Diploma of Quality Auditing. Steve is a Registered Principal Quality Auditor with Exemplar Global and Certification Body approved OH&S and Environmental Lead Auditor. Steve is also an Industry Accredited Strategic & Business Planning Coach.